Guitarist and Writer
Upcoming Shows
Check Out my Instagram for current News, Info, and Weekly Shows.
@Lifein12Keys -
Contact me to play guitar at your event, bar, or restaurant.
[email protected]
Check out my Guitar Book Store!
What am I doing, eating, writing, playing, and listening to? Check out my personal blog.
Lets Make Your Event F'ing Fantastic with Acoustic Inferno!
Musicians, Artists, Creatives...
I'm offering Web Hosting, Wordpress, Blogging, Domain, Ghost-Writing, and eMail services for friends, friends of friends, and family.
From simple websites to full-blown shopping carts, publishing, and eCommerce services, let me hook you up.
Guitar Stuff
This is my personal, fun website. If you're looking for my guitar instructional books and lessons, you'll find that over at
From The Blog
My blog covers a wide range of topics including food, music, web development, writing, and even some short stories and novellas.